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Indoor Gardening: Beginner’s Tips

September 2, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

You love to garden. Watching a flower grow as you care for its needs is fun. But you may not live in subtropical climates, such as California or Florida, and growing particular plants and fruits during the wintertime is next to impossible. Plants need plenty of sunshine to grow, and during the wintertime, it may be hard to get enough sunlight or provide plants with a stable temperature. Despite the harsh temperatures of the Midwest and the Atlantic coast, you decide to follow your instincts and decide to transfer your outdoor plants into a stable, indoor environment suitable for maintaining your plants during the harsh winter ahead. In order to keep your indoor plants alive and healthy for the spring and summer seasons, you may want to understand some helpful methods utilized in keeping indoor plants healthy and well nourished.

Let There Be Light!

The most challenging part of maintaining any indoor plant is the issue regarding light. Plants need light to allow chloroplast the chance to capture light and energy. Chloroplast provide plants with an energy source, and without light, plants cannot collect the essential nourishments needed to grow. With the help of LED lights, users can purchase grow lights and keep their plants inside of incubator to provide a stable temperature. These bulbs emit essential light rays at particular wavelengths that plants use in order to create energy and food necessary for growing.

Compared to a traditional outdoor plant, an indoor plant can avoid pests, collect up to 24-hours of light and be kept under a stable condition. The best part, LED lights are designed to use up less energy than traditional florescent bulbs, so you can place your indoor plants under the lights without worrying about a hefty electric bill.

Creating an Environment

Light maybe a major factor in keeping an indoor plant alive, but as with every plant, it needs water and nutrients from the soil to keep it properly nourished. With the help of an incubator, or a grow room setup, you can provide a stable environment for plants to grow in. Grow rooms can be as simple as a small duffle bag to as complex as a large room with temperature-controlled air. No matter the type of room you decide on, they all provide an area for which you can set plants in while keeping the light at an optimal level necessary for the plant to grow in. For more sophisticated grow rooms, you can place a plant under eight-hours of sunlight at 80 degrees F to provide it with the best growing environment possible.

For indoor plants, there are two basic products you need: a suitable environment, such as a grow room or basic flowerpot, and light. Once you have both items, you can grow almost any type of fruit, vegetable, flower or plant you want.

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