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Study Reveals Why Some People Focus on the Negative

October 15, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

By Phin Upham

Does how we view the world depend on our genes? A new study suggests that it does. Science Daily reports that a study published in Psychological Science shows that a gene variant can be responsible for why certain individuals perceive emotional events more intensely than other, especially when it comes to negative events.

According to the article, the gene in question was previously known to play a role in real-time perception. However, the study reveals that participants with the gene variant were more likely to experience negative words than others, even though all participants were shown neutral, positive, and negative words.

“This is the first study to find that this genetic variation can significantly affect how people see and experience the world,” Prof. Rebecca Todd of UBC’s Dept. of Psychology, told Science Daily. She added, “The findings suggest people experience emotional aspects of the world partly through gene-coloured glasses — and that biological variations at the genetic level can play a significant role in individual differences in perception.”

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Phin Upham is an investor from NYC and SF. You may contact Phin on his Phin Upham website or Twitter page.

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