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The PowerBehind Your Favorite Tech

May 19, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Most people don’t fully understand how amazing the technology they rely on truly is. We all know that the app on our phones or the computer on our desk but have no idea the sort of computing power behind them.


Servers power everything we use in the digital world. They are high powered computers that are the backend of nearly everything we do online. They power everything from loading a web page, sending a receiving mail or executing a search query. Data centers use tens of thousands of densely packed servers for a wide variety of applications. Google for example has 27 plus data centers with up to a 100,000 servers per data center.

As you can imagine, these servers consume a lot of power. This process, in turn, creates a lot of heat. With such high server counts, without active cooling severs will fail. Whenever there is an air conditioning failure at a data center or in a small server room, there is a very high chance of equipment failure within hours.

That’s why cooling is so important. A portable cooling system can be used to cool servers when the standard units fail. Rather than purchasing any equipment, look to get a rental portable air conditioner. Use a portable cooling system until the normal systems are restored.

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